Do you have the "Common Cold"? Or, do you believe you have the Flu? Did you get your flu vaccine injection and did you get sick anyway? Yes, it does happen to the best of us.
What's next? Pull out your "Cold Care Kit". What's in it? Below are my favorites.
1. A Decongestant Steam
2. Elderberry Syrup
3. Herbal High C Tea (an ideal children's tea)
4. Tea for Cold and Flu (idea for those that can tolerate ginger and cayenne)
What? No Motrin?
The herbs that have served us for healing from congestion, excess fluids and coughs are well known particularly Coltsfoot, Mullein and Eucalyptus. Grieve writes that Coltsfoot used to be painted as a sign on the doorpost of an apothecary's shop. Doesn't this communicate confidence in this herb's reliability? (Pharmacies have lost their symbol for healing and care. The mortar and pestle is gone too. What does CVS, Walgreen's and Rite Aid have in common? They have a full length candy aisle and the pills are in the back.)
We have almost completely forgotten about these wonderful herbs that sooth, relieve, decongest and heal us from our sicknesses. It's time to get to know them before we have completely forgotten.
I am limited with graphic ability. Please trust that these recipes have been tried and are true. They are also very beautiful to look at. Don't rely on a picture, anyway. Just get them and experience their beauty as you sift them through your hands!
I share these recipes to encourage you to experience the healing power of herbs.
I do sell these wonderful herbs and mixes, too.
Email your requests:
Take care!
A Decongestant Steam
3 parts Peppermint
2 parts Eucalyptus
1 part Elder Flower
1 part Comfrey
1 part Lobelia
1 part Chamomile
Place a couple of tablespoons of herbs into a large wide bowl of steaming hot water.
Add a couple of drops of Eucalyptus or Peppermint essential oil.
Lean over the bowl and breath in the aromatic steam. If you can tolerate a towel over your head, try this. You'll get quite sweaty and hot. Stay no longer than 5 to 10 minutes.
Elderberry Syrup
1/2 cup dried Elderberries
1 tablespoon dried Rosehips
2 cups of water
1 tablespoon grated Ginger
5 Whole Cloves
1 Cinnamon Stick
Bring to a boil 20-30 minutes. Strain the herbs and spices from the water. Then add 1 cup of honey to the strained water.
Take 1 table spoon of syrup 3 times per day or as needed for cough and cold relief.
Herbal High C Tea
1 part Calendula
1 part Cinnamon Chips
2 parts Lemon Grass
1 part Hibiscus flowers
1 part Nettle
4 parts Rosehips
1/2 part Orange Peel
1 part Spearmint
2 parts Wiintergreen
Tea for Decongestion
1 part Calendula
1 part Mullein
2 parts Peppermint
1 part Coltsfoot
1 part Eucalyptus
1/4 tsp Ginger
A pinch to an 1/8th tsp of Cayenne
Steep 1 tsp per cup for 10 minutes and drink as often as desired.