Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Herbal Facial Steams

Facial Steams are best known for opening pores of our skin as part of a face cleansing process. Our herbal facial steams that we used this past week in our herbal facial workshop were used for just this purpose. I used two recipes I had gotten from Rosemary Gladstar. They are so lovely.  One is for normal to dry skin and contains mostly flowers. It is so beautiful to look at and smell, too. The second is also intriguing. It is for normal to oily skin and its astringent herbs are perfect for this.  The recipes are below.

One of the ladies who attended my herbal facial workshop said that she loved the step using the herbal facial steam out of all five steps. Afterward, she requested that I make one for sinus congestion and make another one for relaxation and sleep for her. She said she would prefer to fill a bowl of steaming hot water and herbs and breath in their essences than take it as tea or a capsule.
Why not? Giving it some thought I created a steam for both.

Put a tablespoon or two in a large bowl of hot steaming water. Cover your head with a towel over your bowl, to hold the steam in and around you, as much as you can tolerate for 5-8 minutes. Ahhhh.

Recipe for Dry to Normal skin:

2 parts Chamomile
2 parts Roses
2 parts Calendula
3 parts Comfrey
1 part Lavender

Recipe for Normal to Oily Skin:

1 part Sage
3 parts comfrey
2 parts Calendula
1 part Witch Hazel
1/4 Rosemary

Recipe for Sinus Congestion

3 parts peppermint
2 parts Eucalyptus
1 part Elder flowers
1 part Comfrey
1 part Lobelia
(You may add a drop or two of Eucalyptus essential oil to the water)

Recipe for Relaxation

3 parts Lavender flowers
2 parts Chamomile flowers
1 part Hops flowers
1 part Red Clover blossoms
1 part Mugwort
(You may want to add a drop or two of Lavender essential oil to the water.)

I am happy to mix up your own personalized facial steam. Or, enjoy the ones above.

Rachel Ross
30 Wahlstrom Ln.
Jefferson, Ma. 01522

Sunday, October 21, 2012

About Hillside Herbals

It was a wintry morning when I sat in a circle of moms with their new breastfed babies and listened to their concerns, wishes and woes. There was a consensus: "Breastfeeding isn't easy!". Issues raised included low milk supply, colic and fatigue from lack of sleep. As I listened, I thought why can't there be an herbal tea that could help a mom feed and calm her baby while promoting relaxing and restful sleep, without using pharmaceuticals.

The herbs that grow around us are here for us. We simply need to get to know them and experience them. We need to simply trust that what has been given to us here on earth, is meant for us. What is meant for us can be gentle and healing in such a simple way. We don't need oversized corporate pharmaceuticals to take care of our children, significant others, our pets, or ourselves- most of the time. I trust this simple truth.

I grabbed a piece of paper and started to right down what I wanted to put into my first tea which already had its name born before it's ingredients: "Happy Baby Breastfeeding Tea". I contemplated and thought deeply. I scratched out one herb and added another. I thought again. I brewed my mix to try and shared it with a few friends. The tea contains: Milk Thistle Seed, Fenugreek Seed, Fennel Seed, Anise Seed Dill Seed, Chamomile Flowers, Catnip Leaf, Hops Flowers, Marshmallow Leaf and Spearmint. All the herbs are organic. The Marshmallow is from my herb garden and organically grown. Not only was there a birth of a tea that would help moms, but there was also a birth of an intent for my wildly large garden, to, in part, provide the healing herbs, and flowers to all of you so you may also benefit from what our good earth has given us.

Hillside Herbals is a result of a blend of my interests and skills; as a Botanist, Midwife, Lactation Consultant, Herbalist and Gardener. I make teas, tinctures, salves, oils, cosmetics, herbal pillows and also, provide herbs in bulk for you to craft yourself. I specialize in woman's health, however, I am familiar with  Male health and their (unspoken) needs and children.

My first tea is my Galactagogue for nursing mothers to help with milk supply, stomach and nervous tension.

(Each bag makes 45 cups of Tea! $16.00 plus shipping. Write in comments to purchase. I'll send you a bag!)

There is more on the way. I have a tea for when the Baby's Here! It is a tea for postpartum wellness and healing. I also make teas for just daily pleasure. My most recent is "Autumn Sunrise". It is a blend of Hibiscus Flowers, Rose Hips, Calendula Flowers, Cinnamon and Orange Peel. It is delightful to drink and beautiful to look at.

Do you have suggestions or herbal offerings? Are you looking for an alternative for that pharmaceutical that sits on your shelf that you know can not be healthful or life-giving?

Write in.
I would love to hear from you!

 Herbal Facial Workshop:

I held an HERBAL FACIAL workshop this past week. It was amazing and really so much fun. Not only fun, all of us confessed that our skin never felt better. It was a 5 Step process.
Our first step was an herbal scrub: Miracle Grains. It is a recipe developed by Rosemary Gladstar.

1 cup finely ground Oats
2 cups of White Cosmetic Clay
1/4 cup finally ground Almonds
1/8 cup finely ground Lavender
1/8 cup finely ground Roses

Grind all ingredients to the desired consistency. (I use all organic ingredients.) You may wish to grind the oats very fine. The almonds are nice with just a touch of "grit" left in them. Generally try to powder the roses and lavender as much as possible; they will always have a bit of coarseness or graininess left.
Mix all the ingredients together.
To make moist miracle grains: add enough water to dried powdered mix to make a nice paste and apply.
Keep a jar of dry Miracle Grains by your bathroom sink. Make up only enough that you will need for your scrub. It is safe and better than soap as an alternative to use before bed every night.

Our first Herbal Facial with the Miracle Grains scrub on our faces.

Great fun!
I promise we'll do another Herbal Facial again. A likely time will be after the holidays. Stay posted or visit my fledgling website:

Rachel Ross
30 Wahlstrom Ln.
Jefferson, Ma. 01522